What is the best way to clean urine out of a mattress?

Mattress are the decorative items of houses. In most of the houses at Hyderabad, people use them to show their prestige to the society. Not only that, it also gives life to the house appreance. The common sutiation that we face is the pets furr cleaning from sofas and mattress. Pets urine cleaning is very common, and people think that its hard to remove th urin and the smell of a mattress. You can follow the below steps to clean the mattress stains .

How to Clean Mattress Stains

1. The Fresher the Stain, the Better the Clean Up

If you are (un)fortunate enough to catch the urine stain on your mattress as soon as it happens, your first move should be to blot up as much of it as you can using a paper towel or a sponge. If you own a wet/dry vacuum, use this to help soak up the urine from your mattress. Sprinkle baking soda on the affected area to clean up any remaining moisture.

2. Laundry Detergent: The Magic Cleaning Elixir for Urine Stains

Laundry detergent is your best friend when it comes to removing the smell of urine from your mattress. Once you've soaked all the fresh urine from the mattress, or if the stain was too old to be able to soak up urine, mix a couple of teaspoons of laundry detergent init also a cup of warm water and pour (or spray of you have access to an empty spray bottle) onto the affected areas. Alternatively, you can also use a solution of one-part warm water and one-part vinegar if you can stand the smell.

3. Blotting Your Magic Elixir Over the Urine Stain

Once you've mixed up your magic cleaning solution and applied it to the part of your mattress where the urine is located, repeat the blotting process discussed earlier. Carefully blotting is important as it will remove any residual urine and prevent mold. Be sure and get the urine-affected area of the mattress as dry as possible after applying your cleaning solution.

4. Remove the Moisture and Urine Smell with Baking Soda

After you've dried up all the remaining moisture from the spot of the urine, sprinkle baking soda over the entire mattress. This will help to prevent the smell of the urine from seeping into any other parts of the mattress. The mattress needs time to completely dry out (18-24 hours), so you will have to make other sleeping arrangements for the night. After this time period has passed use a vacuum to remove all the baking soda and then prop up the mattress either outside or in a well-ventilated area to allow air to circulate and sift the last of the odor from the mattress.

5. Consult an Expert

If you've followed all the above steps and are still smelling urine on the mattress, you may need to reach out to a professional cleaning service to get their opinion of the damage. Professional cleaners can provide you with a proper assessment and give you the best recommendation to ensure you or your family member is sleeping on a clean bed.

We provide the expert queen size mattress cleaning in hyderabad, guntur and Vijayawada in India. If any want an expert cleaning advice please reach us.